How to Start Seedlings using the Pre-sprout Method

Everyone knows the drill - put the seed in the ground, cover it with dirt, keep it watered, and eventually you see that little sprout poking it's way up out of the soil.  Hopefully.  As many folks know, this doesn't always happen. Rookie and seasoned gardeners alike can attest to the fact that many seeds are sown, never to be seen or heard from again.  A seed can fail to sprout for a variety of reasons. First, most seeds fall within a range of 50% to 85% germination rate. That means at least 15 out of every 100 seeds are duds, sometimes up to 50 out of 100.  After you weed out the duds (puns are grand, right?) the remaining seeds need exactly the right temperature, moisture, and light (or lack thereof) to initiate the sprouting process. It's been done this way for centuries, but honestly, it's highly inefficient. And frankly, leaves too much up to chance for me. I like to be in control!  This is where pre-sprouting comes in, and it will change your life, just like it c

What is "Wicked Prepared" ???


What being "Wicked Prepared" means to us ….

The alert has gone out to every man, woman, and child: stay inside, shelter in place, do not leave your home. Sound familiar? 

What is it this time? A pandemic? A tornado? An ice storm? A nuclear attack? 

You never truly know what it could be, or what will come next. But for each of these scenarios, there are steps you can take to make sure you and your family are prepared. Or as we like to say in Maine, Wicked Prepared! 

Being Wicked Prepared is more than just remembering to get bread and milk the day before a big snowstorm. It's more than having a few jugs of water and some extra batteries in the basement. Being Wicked Prepared is thinking about situations that could arise and developing solutions before they impact you. It's about making a plan and setting goals so that you're able to be prepared for tomorrow but still live your life to the fullest today. It's about Yankee ingenuity (more about that in a future blog post), it's about making do with what you have, it's about surviving and thriving no matter what obstacle comes your way. 

In our home, we used to worry about what would happen if we lost electricity, if a hurricane hit, if war broke out; but now we've turned that fear into focus and we've found that if you can be prepared, it takes away a lot of that anxiety and worry. If you know you have a backup plan, it eases your mind a tremendous amount. 

Think about it in these terms: most every car comes standard with a spare tire. It is inconvenient, yes, to have to stop and change a flat, but at least you know you have a spare if, and when, you need it. Now, it's one thing to have peace of mind knowing you have a spare onboard - that's being prepared. But what about knowing how to change it, knowing you have the right tools to change it, making sure to check the air pressure in the spare regularly so that you know it'll be inflated when you need it, and what to do after you've swapped it out? Well if you know all of these things, now that's being Wicked Prepared!

You can look at preparing for all types of emergencies in the same manner. 

That's where Wicked Prepared comes in! We're here to help you gain knowledge, not just assemble a list of items to stock up on. We're here to help you prepare for all scenarios, long-term and short-term. And we're here to help you put your knowledge to use in every day life, not just during emergencies. We're here to share with you our experiments that have worked, the ones that have failed, and everything in between. We are here to give you a look at how we prepare and give you the tools to tailor preparations to fit your own family. 

We have a bunch of exciting plans for this year that we'll be writing about and videoing. We'll be showing how to build a rocket stove, expanding our backyard garden with drip irrigation system, adding-on to our rainwater collection system, and we'll be sharing countless recipes centered around shelf-stable freeze dried food. Along with all this, we also plan to show you how we live today while still prepping for tomorrow, including our recent "smart home" upgrades and what has quickly become our extremely popular Christmas lights display!

But have no fear, our main focus is, and always will be, keeping you Wicked Prepared, just like us! 

Survive today, thrive tomorrow! 

You should also prepare yourself to meet our biggest fans, Dorbert and Jarbert, as they'll be helping out and contributing to our articles as well. They are - well - they're wicked interesting characters.



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